6.4100/2[6.034/844] Artificial Intelligence


6.034 will meet via Zoom for lectures at the scheduled time (MWF10). Lectures will include a combination of synchronous and asynchronous recordings and will be available for later viewing. TA-led recitations will meet via Zoom for an hour on Fridays; recordings of sessions may be available for later viewing. All students are required the first week of class to sign up for a recitation session; recitation times will be available throughout Friday in order to accommodate different schedules and time zones. Lecture and recitation attendance is encouraged, but not required. Required work includes written assignments, 10 programming labs, and 4 quizzes. If/when quizzes are given during class time, attendance is required, with accommodations for different time zones. Students may skip final exam if satisfied with quiz performance. A tablet device and stylus are recommended, but not required. Students without tablets will be able to write on paper and upload images of their work.

6.844 is an add-on to 6.034. Students complete all 6.034 work, plus meet via Zoom for an extra session on Fridays (F11). Lectures will be synchronous, recorded, and available for later viewing. Assignments include a weekly assigned reading from the research literature, a one page response to questions provided for the reading, and in-class discussion of the paper and corresponding questions. Class participation is required; accommodation will be made for students in different time zones. Listeners are not allowed.

alternate website (for students not registered yet)

course website